
It has been way too long…for a post here and most importantly, an update of the old Laura Fair website!  I did not want to change too much of the original style, as it was all me, but it needed a little bit of polishing.  You will find that I have streamlined it a bit …

Spring into Summer

I think I may have gone a little overboard on the pillows?  Then again…in my world, we all could use at least one more pillow.  Especially me after the last month or so of specialness. We cruised right through Spring and my favorite month of May.  It was a wonderful time full of flowers, celebrations, …

Celebrating 10 (2)

To continue the celebration of 10, I thought that I would write a bit about the place I have chosen to live.  Just as I gave you 10 things about me, here are my 10 favorite things that you will only find in Tuscany. 1      A trip two hours in any direction delivers landscapes that …

Celebrating 10

I have officially hit the dieci mark…10 years for Laura Fair and for Italy.  Really hard to believe.  I have been thinking about this all morning on this strange, slightly foggy Sunday.  I thought I might start a little 10 things series.  At the risk of giving you too much information, apropos to start with …

10 years

10 years, dieci, a decade.  You all know the tag line, in 2005 I packed up everything I owned, including little Ciccia Maria (who is now 11 1/2 I might add), and set out for the adventure of a lifetime, I moved to Italy.  Wow…what an adventure it has been to say the least in …

Gennaio 2015

As tradition here in Italy, most homes have a nativity scene and ours is no exception.  We have been patiently waiting for the arrival of the Magi on the 6th.  Then again, silently not wanting their appearance as it signifies the holidays are officially over in Italy.  Well, the wise men traveled to adore Jesus …