Showing: 7 - 12 of 75 RESULTS

Celebrating 10

I have officially hit the dieci mark…10 years for Laura Fair and for Italy.  Really hard to believe.  I have been thinking about this all morning on this strange, slightly foggy Sunday.  I thought I might start a little 10 things series.  At the risk of giving you too much information, apropos to start with …

10 years

10 years, dieci, a decade.  You all know the tag line, in 2005 I packed up everything I owned, including little Ciccia Maria (who is now 11 1/2 I might add), and set out for the adventure of a lifetime, I moved to Italy.  Wow…what an adventure it has been to say the least in …

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Even though I always miss the USA at this time of year… we still know how to celebrate in Tuscany!


After messing with my new phone for too long and spending way too much time with the camera options, somehow Laura Fair is now on Instagram!  Not making any promises what I post will be all that entertaining…but I have linked it up to Facebook…so this way, you won’t miss a thing 😉

Buon Anno 2014

Felice Anno Nuovo!  Buon Anno a tutti!  Auguri!  Happy New Year! Despite the gray skies here in Tuscany, we have been celebrating and celebrating, lots of food and friends and laughs.  I hope that you all had wonderful holidays full of fun as well.  The great thing about being here in Italy…our holidays don’t end …