This day is especially poignant for me as it is the anniversary of the loss of my Grandad one year ago…which in turn also evokes strong memories of my mother. I will be thinking of them today (as I do every day) and will send a gift of fragrant roses…a favorite of both of them. I have a book my sister gave me that I refer to often, Healing After Loss, and today this is what it says…
“But surely among the richest of these experiences are the times when, with nostalgia and often with affectionate laughter, we share with others our memories of someone we love who has gone on before. We leave such experiences warmed and strengthened by our common history, our commemorations of life and of love.”
So with that in mind, I will try to look upon this day not with sadness, but I will concentrate on thoughts, laughter, and remembrances of happy times…