Showing: 1 - 6 of 24 RESULTS

Some 2020 thoughts

I could write a thousand words on what the last 8 months have meant to me, I am sure you could too. How much it has changed me, my way of thinking, my way of relating and my general outlook on the world around me. It has been a mix of confusion, frustration, utter fear …

Laura Fair Linens

Dusting and Sprucing

Welcome to ‘slow summer’ 2020. With the extra time we all seem to have now (more on that at a later date), I thought that I would use some of mine to revive the Laura Fair website. That includes dusting off this old blog and sprucing it up a bit. I have been reliving some …


It has been way too long…for a post here and most importantly, an update of the old Laura Fair website!  I did not want to change too much of the original style, as it was all me, but it needed a little bit of polishing.  You will find that I have streamlined it a bit …

Celebrating 10 (2)

To continue the celebration of 10, I thought that I would write a bit about the place I have chosen to live.  Just as I gave you 10 things about me, here are my 10 favorite things that you will only find in Tuscany. 1      A trip two hours in any direction delivers landscapes that …

Happy Holidays

Buon Natale! Buone Feste! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season full of peace and joy, and prosperity for all in the new year. See you in 2012!


Do you ever get to the point where you cannot turn on the news for fear there will be yet another heartbreaking story to be heard? This past week has been a killer for me…so much devastation, so many tears, so much concern for the future, and wondering…what can I do about it? What an …