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Laura Fair Linens

Dusting and Sprucing

Welcome to ‘slow summer’ 2020. With the extra time we all seem to have now (more on that at a later date), I thought that I would use some of mine to revive the Laura Fair website. That includes dusting off this old blog and sprucing it up a bit. I have been reliving some …

A special visit

If you follow me on Facebook, you have already heard about the special visit I had here in Italy.  Peggy, from Golden Rabbit Enamelware, traveled to Tuscany!  This was not the first time that I have been blessed with a drop in by the lovely Peggy…five years ago she and her husband took a round …

Postcard from Ischia

As you all know, I spend time in Italy and that means that I must spend my time also in Italian.  Although there are some English speakers around, the language of my every days is my second one.  You might remember I even wrote about it here.  Since that time, I have to say that …

10 years

10 years, dieci, a decade.  You all know the tag line, in 2005 I packed up everything I owned, including little Ciccia Maria (who is now 11 1/2 I might add), and set out for the adventure of a lifetime, I moved to Italy.  Wow…what an adventure it has been to say the least in …

Gennaio 2015

As tradition here in Italy, most homes have a nativity scene and ours is no exception.  We have been patiently waiting for the arrival of the Magi on the 6th.  Then again, silently not wanting their appearance as it signifies the holidays are officially over in Italy.  Well, the wise men traveled to adore Jesus …