August, agosto, has been jam-packed I tell you. I have been hiding a bit behind my work this month, but have also found some weekend time to relax and destress. I really need to remember to do that…especially when my computer is sending me signals like scratch disks are full…sorry cannot open that file, etc. Frustrating to say the least, but nothing takes that stressy feeling away better than these little faces…you had to know I was going to bring up the puppies at some point.

They are thriving. We have had to say
ciao, or better yet
arrivederci, to one and this weekend yet another two will depart…a little sad and my heart breaks a bit, but I know they will be treated with the loving care they deserve and I will be able to watch them grow…the beauty of knowing the new families! So, we will be left with our two and one to go, and rest assured I aptly named one Georgia.

Do you remember
Ferragosto and our celebration from
last year? This year was even better…we had 30
amici over to the house to grill steaks on the outside fire. Everyone brought their own
bistecca and contributed to the meal…lovely
melanzane alla parmigiana,
bruschetta, pear and rosemary
torta, pineapple upsidedown cake,
torta con pinoli, and of course
gelato. We stuffed ourselves and then danced and sang the night away under a sliver of moon. (I, as luck would have it, was stuck inside most of the day and evening trying to make a design deadline so did not get any photos of the beautiful table, but did catch this one of some of the group from the upstairs studio. Have to say,
grazie tanto to my friends that did all the set-up work for me.)

Oh, and we made it to the seaside this month for the first time…can you believe it? We are smack in the middle of Italy here…travel two hours to the east or two hours to the west you can reach the beach. We chose the Adriatic coast for the most authentic taste of the Italian summer seaside life…and what a life it is…look at all the people.

I love the fact that it doesn’t matter how old, young, skinny, wrinkled, etc. you are…on the beach you let it all hang out so to speak (not a tankini in sight) and enjoy yourself. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday…who knows…maybe I’ll try the Tyrrhenian coast tomorrow…