I had a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, trips, food, wine, art, a card game or two. I saw those I had not seen in many moons and shared lots of laughs and even a cry. To be a little melodramatic…it was filled with every emotion possible…and I loved every minute of it. To say that the trip was not long enough is an understatement, but then again, it is always like this…better for it to be too short than too long in my book.
Nephew Big Al is continuing to grow and now walk and even talk…is a one year old supposed to do this? My sister and her husband hosted our Christmas to perfection with family meal traditions and “Flo stockings”…thanks you two. I traveled around the Carolinas searching for mountains and snow…as you all may know, it was not all that hard to find. I rang in the new year with crostini, rose spumante, and a dance party. I swam with sharks and brightly colored things…or at least I had the sensation. I braved the cold for my special Laura Fair reception at one of my favorite places on the Savannah River, the Morris Museum of Art. I was so happy to see old friends and new faces and to meet some amazing children…I should say teenagers…who blew me away with their confidence and grace (and even called me ma’am!) I fell down…twice to be exact, in the treacherous ice storm of 2011 in Atlanta…and nervously drove through it to make client meetings. All worth it as good things are coming down the line amici…I am beyond happy with the results and will update you on new product soon. Now I am back to it…refreshed and revived with ideas and inspiration…of course some walks through the countryside did not hurt either.

Buon anno di nuovo a tutti…happy new year again to all of you. May you see all your dreams come true in 2011. I think it will happen…starting to feel it already…